Fellessons Bygghandel
Stephanie Ellfors, Marketing Coordinator
Fellessons in Växjö: “What we appreciate most is our close relationship”

Having a close, personal relationship with their supplier was a decisive factor when building supplier Fellessons in Växjö needed to choose a lumber sales supplier. Ljungberg Fritzoe was the obvious choice.
Fellessons Bygghandel in Växjö sells board material to professionals as well as to private customers and therefore a mixed and wide product range is required to be able to meet their customers’ needs. That, combined with a desire for a solution-focused partner, made the choice of board supplier clear: Ljungberg Fritzoe.
– They are extremely helpful and make it possible for us to solve any problems that arise. Our mission to our customers is to provide the right products, at the right price and at the right time. And with Ljungberg Fritzoe we can do just that, says Stephanie Ellfors, marketing coordinator at Fellessons.
Tailor-made solutions without hassle
Acute problem solving is something that Fellessons appreciates a lot about Ljungberg Fritzoe. They have a wide range of products, but sometimes Fellessons wants something that is not in stock in Katrineholm.
– We wanted countertops that were not in the warehouse, and instead of choosing the easy way out and telling us: “We don’t have it” – and settling for that – they said “we don’t have that, but we can solve it.” Now Ljungberg Fritzoe stocks countertops that we need despite the fact that they were not items in their product range. They found the countertops we needed and stock them for us now, says Stephanie Ellfors.
“They put us in focus the same way we put our customers in focus”
The problem-free relationship is something that Ljungberg Fritzoe also appreciates about Fellessons. Mathias Kvarnstrand is customer manager at Ljungberg Fritzoe and has a lot of contact with Fellessons:
– They always have a smile on their faces and there are no problems that can’t be solved. We have a nice relationship with them and that’s how we strive to work with all our customers. The ambition is to be a partnership rather than just a buyer / seller relationship.
Stephanie Ellfors agrees:
– It’s a win-win if we work together like this. What we appreciate most about Ljungberg Fritzoe is our close, personal relationship – and that we have the same attitude. They put us in focus in the same way we focus on our customers.